第2章 めぐりゆく刻の軌跡

In ancient days, the current site of Inagawa Town was an area of farming and hunting activities and where high priests during the Nara period built the Yanaizuin Temple. Around the middle of the Heian period, Lord Mitsunaka Minamoto established the Tadanosho manor here. The Edo period was the heyday of the local Tada silver and copper mines whose operations helped to generate considerable prosperity for surrounding towns and villages.In 1871, the establishment of prefectures in place of feudal domains caused this part of Japan to be officially designated Hyogo Prefecture. In 1889, the villages of Mutsuse and Nakatani were founded. They were later amalgamated on April 10, 1955, at which point the town of Inagawa was born.

≪前項目 表紙へ 次項目≫
Part 2: Tracing the path to take on your journeys From ancient days to the birth of Inagawa Town