郷土物語1 文化財 守る Protect : Cultural assets

Shrines in Inagawa Town deify a local protective deity, known as Ubusunagami, in association with the ancient beliefs to which people adhere in regards to farming and water and with the cultivation of the land. A sense of communal solidarity emerged through festivals and the maintenance of these shrines. In addition, extensive efforts in their formation were undertaken to ensure that they would be loved by villagers, thus leading to the construction of such shrines as Togakushi Shrine (Kimokawa), known for its vivid color scheme, Yasaka Shrine (Sugio), where engravings of such animals as cranes and turtles can be found, and Hachiman Shrine (Tochihara), which is covered with thick shingle roofing. In addition, numerous mighty trees, including mokkoku trees that were planted approximately four centuries ago and local specimens of hidarimakigaya trees that are estimated to be three hundred years old, continue to live in our town thanks to the constant support of residents.

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モッコク A local tale 八坂神社(杉生) 天澤寺 石造灯籠 戸隠神社(肝川)