郷土物語2 伝統 受け継ぐ Inherit : Traditions
初代、竹本中美太夫が180年前、大坂から木津・島に来て浄瑠璃を語り始めました。   江戸時代初期から続く古式豊かな成人式の行事で、1月6日、民田の八幡神社で行われます。射抜かれた的は、豊作と無病息災の象徴として家の屋根の上に置かれます。

The ceremonies, events, and traditional arts of Inagawa Town, as transmitted to various regions, as well as the underlying spirit of these cultural legacies have to date been passed on from person to person across generations. On January 6, the Sanya Ceremony is held to celebrate the attainment of adulthood by the first-born sons in each household in Tamida. At the Autumn Festival held in Sugio and Nishihata every October, onlookers can delight in the sight of a parade of participants decked out in kabuki costumes. In addition, the chanting of a joruri narrative, a spiritual chant accompanied by the playing of shamisen, reflects the life force at the core of the Japanese soul.

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モッコク A local tale 三矢の儀 浄瑠璃