
In the area of agriculture, we are working to conserve healthy farmland, while in the area of forestry, we are helping to maintain our forests in excellent shape through the breeding of forest trees, measures to eliminate pine weevils, and other such programs. In addition, we are seeking to stimulate local industry and commerce through measures designed to attract blue-chip industries and nurture merchants. With respect to tourism, we are striving to establish facilities where visitors can experience life in an agricultural mountain village while aiming to effectively utilize the attractive tourism resources available to a town nestled in the bosom of nature.

≪前項目 表紙へ 次項目≫
第4章 想いをまじえて未来を創る 産業 自然と歴史に囲まれたまちに人が集まり、ますます活性化していく 夏野菜の栽培 Industry ジャスコ猪名川店 新生電子(株)