
At the town level, we are engaged in initiatives that allow residents to be involved in urban development planning through such ideas as adoption programs associated with Oshimadeai Park and the sponsorship of urban development get-togethers. In addition, we are focusing our efforts on establishing a system to ensure the protection of private information and on taking active measures to disclose administrative information. Moreover, we are also making excellent progress in the implementation of information technology on a regional level through the provision of high-speed communications services.

Municipal administration and assembly

With an eye towards ensuring the efficient and effective operations of our municipal administration, we are striving to enhance organizational structures and optimize the management of human resources and institute a broader-based local government system, while reinforcing ties with the governments of neighboring jurisdictions, as well as the prefectural and central governments. The town assembly has set its sights on the direction the administration should take in reflecting the opinions of residents. In addition to regular meetings that are held four times a year, special sessions and committee meetings are convened when necessary. The town assembly plays a critical role as a body that monitors the workings of the municipal administration.

≪前項目 表紙へ 次項目≫
第4章 想いをまじえて未来を創る まちづくり だれもが住み続けたいと思う快適な魅力あるまちづくりを目指して 花いっぱい運動 Urban development 広報いながわ 役場窓口 庁舎 特別職:町長 真田保男(左)、助役 西村 悟(右) 議長 福本典子 副議長 福井昌司